How to Get Involved

How can you get involved in Rare Disease Day? Lots of ways!

Share your own story of life with a rare disease; Check out different graphics to post on your social media accounts; Share posts from other people and organizations to increase awareness; Join in on a local Rare Disease Day event; Pledge your morning coffee and make a small donation to an organization...

...the possibilities are endless! Get creative to #ShareYourRare


Join in on events happening Near you

Visit the Rare Disease Day Events website to find events in your area

Take part in the #15FORRARE CAMPAIGN

What would you say if you had 15 seconds to advocate for a rare disease?

  1. Take a video answering "I care about rare because..."
  2. Upload your 15 second video to the Global Genes campaign website 
  3. Share your video on social media using the hashtag #15forRare and #GlobalGenes

Graphics and Sharable resources:

Social Media Hashtags to use and follow:

  • #WRDD2018
  • #RareDiseaseDay
  • #RareDiseaseDay2018
  • #GlobalGenes
  • #MedicalZebra

Organization to explore for more information: