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Giving Tuesday is the single day throughout the year that is dedicated to opening your hearts and giving back! This year, #GivingTuesday occurs on Tuesday, November 28th.

The Zebra Network invites you to give back on Giving Tuesday by making a financial donation to the nonprofit organization or make an in-kind donation for use in our Patient Support Packages. 

The Zebra Network is different because we strive to make a difference in providing physical support for patients, no matter where in the world they live. From Maryland to California, Texas to Massachusetts, England to New Zealand, we strive to be there for our patients and guide them through everyday life. Through increasing education at the patient, medical professional, and layperson levels; promoting advocacy and awareness of the disease and its comorbidities; and proving hands on support for patients, The Zebra Network is dedicated to provoking change to better the lives of people with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. 

ways to help:

If you would like to mail or ship a donation to The Zebra Network, please use the following mailing address. Also, be sure to include your name and mailing address so that we can send you a thank you letter and tax-deduction form! 

The Zebra Network

2796 Brightside Drive

Manchester, MD 21102

Questions or Want to learn more? 

Contact our founder, Victoria Graham, directly at or (443) 846-0612